Dear All
i am happy to have found a photo of my tiny self at the first concert that Corrinne May held at the Esplanade concert hall. I was the first in line for autographs and alas i didn't bring a camera for my colleagues to take a pic of me with my favourite songstress of the moment.
Her earthy vocals are very soothing at times when i am down. Unlike MISIA, my other favorite japanese songbird with powerful thundering vocals who is best known for her ballads, Corrinne May has a quiet way of putting across her faith in her music. Although I am not of the same faith, her songs seem to touch me somehow... more about MISIA in my next post.

Was glad i caught her "Beautiful Seed" concert before It was bittersweet coz the doc said my op might damage my vocal chords and though i am one month into my recovery now, my voice is nowhere near to what is was before. Even though the before is rusty from lack of use. Now I can't even hum a simple tune when i feel like it. But i shall keep on trying and hopefully Santa Claus can give me the most wonderful gift of melodious voice again so i may once again experience the joys of hearing my voice take flight and feelings soar above setbacks!
melancholy moping somewhat for now
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