Today I was feeling all dotty about my new light green polka dot cardigan. I had been eyeing this lovely top for a long time before I grabbed it on sale. After all this is the Great Singapore Sale season.
The "Laws of Attraction" in science must be at work, coz what else did I find today on a leisurely stroll through the mall after lunch? Perched in one corner, was a reversible shawl on display in the perfect shade of green and white polka dot; of uncanny likeness in shade to my knit top which would have made any pantone color matcher proud. I resisted the temptation to get the shawl but ended up splurging on a lovely bag I didnt' need but just as lovely with my other favourite pastel ensembles. By nightfall, I rushed back to the mall to purchase the shawl that was a match made in heaven. This is the latest addition to the dozen of more shawls I already own, but only one of the few that features any print/embellishment.
What a nice way to start the week... pea green and cream will be here to stay, for at least the coming 3-6 months.
Peafully & Polkadotally Yours