As a self-professed cloud fanatic, cloud juice sounded intriguing when i saw a travel program on TV. The owner Duncan Mcfie could identify which glass of water was King's Island CLOUD JUICE. i am not surprised coz i myself have been drinking filtered water for almost 2 years now. no not distilled water devoid of natural minerals but filtered tap water devoid of chlorine,contaminants,bacteria made possible by filtering tap water through an activated carbon filter along with UV light. There are tonnes of water filters out there but choose wisely. Cheap is not always best and neither is the most expensively priced one the best for you. Please note this is not an attempt at advertising but anyone in the right mind would share what works for them just like you would when you find great food at a fabulous restaurant or a great dress at this boutique. Tiny tap filters are only a waste of money over time as their filtering capacity is ambiguous to the unsuspecting consumer out there window shopping for lifestyle products that will bring about a better quality of life. All i want to say is : ENJOY GOOD CLEAN WATER & GIVE YOUR BODY THE GOODNESS IT DESERVES!
( cloud juice bottle image courtesy of www.finewaters.com)
now everytime i go to a restaurant nowadays, i cringe or turn away at the slightest hint of chlorine in both hot and cold water. (yes i am proud to say I have more sensitive tastebuds nowadays on top of a more acute sense of smell ) . As consumers, we have to right to decide what to put into our bodies and water is such an important component of our health that it is important you give your bodies a chance to rejuvenate with nature's gifts. I understand that chlorine is a necessary evil we add to water to kill bacteria but nothing can deny that it is still a chemical and harmful to the body over time depending on the amount accumulated over the years). I most certainly cannot stand the way local restaurants stench up the air with chloroform towards the closing of the restaurant when they disinfect kitchen utensils and tabletops with bleach and hot boiling water. Isn't there a better way to disinfect eateries without choking the daylights out of diners who just want to sit down to a good meal after a long hard day at work ? The bleach smell just kills all appetite no matter how tasty the food is. I myself have had several unfortunate encounters with cups/bowls laced with bleach that has left me disgusted with the restaurants that overlook this basic hygiene issue. Come to think of it, never once did i encounter such unpleasant dining episodes during my makan adventures in japan.
There is too much to say about clean water and its benefits. Pollution and commercialisation have made clean water an expensive commodity, even more expensive than oil these days. I myself try to conserve water in my own small way ( recycling dirty laundry water as toilet flush, watering plants with leftover drinking water from my bottles, turning off the shower when i am soaping up, etc... ) It's amazing how much water we waste daily with the convenience of a tap these days! Try to conserve water and use it wisely.
( cloud juice bottle image courtesy of www.finewaters.com)
now everytime i go to a restaurant nowadays, i cringe or turn away at the slightest hint of chlorine in both hot and cold water. (yes i am proud to say I have more sensitive tastebuds nowadays on top of a more acute sense of smell ) . As consumers, we have to right to decide what to put into our bodies and water is such an important component of our health that it is important you give your bodies a chance to rejuvenate with nature's gifts. I understand that chlorine is a necessary evil we add to water to kill bacteria but nothing can deny that it is still a chemical and harmful to the body over time depending on the amount accumulated over the years). I most certainly cannot stand the way local restaurants stench up the air with chloroform towards the closing of the restaurant when they disinfect kitchen utensils and tabletops with bleach and hot boiling water. Isn't there a better way to disinfect eateries without choking the daylights out of diners who just want to sit down to a good meal after a long hard day at work ? The bleach smell just kills all appetite no matter how tasty the food is. I myself have had several unfortunate encounters with cups/bowls laced with bleach that has left me disgusted with the restaurants that overlook this basic hygiene issue. Come to think of it, never once did i encounter such unpleasant dining episodes during my makan adventures in japan.
There is too much to say about clean water and its benefits. Pollution and commercialisation have made clean water an expensive commodity, even more expensive than oil these days. I myself try to conserve water in my own small way ( recycling dirty laundry water as toilet flush, watering plants with leftover drinking water from my bottles, turning off the shower when i am soaping up, etc... ) It's amazing how much water we waste daily with the convenience of a tap these days! Try to conserve water and use it wisely.
And since we are on the subject of water, you might want to check out MASARU EMOTO's books on water crystals and their messages contained within.. by examining the structure of their crystals under a powerful microscope, simple experiments show astonishing results on how water can absorb/transmit a certain feeling/vibe after it has been exposed to the source of a feeling/intention. http://www.masaru-emoto.net/english/entop.html
(image of water crystal exposed to cherry blossom - from masuru emoto's website)
ok that's all for now!
cloudfully yours....
happy reading!
ok that's all for now!
cloudfully yours....
happy reading!