Realize your dreams of fleeting stardom on PHOTOFUNIA !!! This site is TOO MUCH, and i emphasise again, simply TOO MUCH! fun to keep to myself. It's super user friendly. No complicated steps to add your pictures. Just one simple step and you have a personalised superimposed image of your lovely self on the chosen template. This is self indulgence at its playful best! Time flies when one is having fun and as one template leads to another.. a good hour or two would have passed in a flash.
Imagine seeing yourself emblazoned on JC Decaux ads throughout the lamplit streets in Paris.
Get a kick out of making it to the countless billboards in Japan as the imaginary spokesperson of SOBA SO GOOD ???
Get your 5 minutes of fame in your Andy Warhol moment as you take on the myriad colors of a chameleon in an art gallery or museum.
Or gracing the cover of a magazine! In Madonna's song - Strike a pose! Vogue..
Have fun ! Throw caution to the wind and grab that 5 minutes of fame before it passes you by..