By chance, I stumbled onto this awesome website that reviews coffees served up in CAFES worldwide. It comes with an iphone application too! http://www.beanhunter.com/
How convenient! But the page on cafes in Singapore is looking quite dismal with less than a dozen listings on it. I am not so much of a coffee drinker myself so I am hoping to find a site that reviews cafes for their TEAS instead. How about someone out there setting up "leafhunter.com" with the tagline (teas worth waiting for) ? And how about chocoholics who love their cocoa fix? "podhunter.com" with the tagline (chocolate worth melting for) ? since chocolate are made from seeds found in cacao tree pods. Food for thought? :) All this foodtalk has inspired a little poem :-
Coffee for the frenzied too busy chasing after time
Tea for the frazzled and time to burn
Tea for the frazzled and time to burn
Chocolate to comfort the lost, lonely and forgotten...
Interesting facts : Did you know that smelling coffee beans "clears" the nose for the next fragrance when you are shopping for perfume ? I have seen shops in Tokyo place cans of coffee beans in between shelves to aid shoppers in their fragrance purchase. Try it for yourself! And wondering what to do with used coffee grounds after brewing your cuppa? Throw them into your flower pots as fertiliser! They make a great nitrogen supplement to the soil. In fact STARBUCKS (Singapore) donates their used coffee grounds to some schools as fertiliser for their gardens.
Used tea bags are great for deodorising refridgerators as they absorb odours. They also make great fertilizers for your plants too.
For you fashion students out there, both tea and coffee are great for staining linens when you want to achieve an aged Victorian look! Pristine white laces and fabrics made of natural fibres take on an ecru hue that hints of nostalgia.
As for chocolate, one canot deny its role as an age old comfort food or when you need an endorphin boost for that fleeting moment of happiness. Just enjoy it! I am glad that I can afford a bar as and when the craving strikes. God knows how Charlie ( Roald Dahl's - Charlie & The Chocolate Factory) survived the many bitter years of childhood with only one chocolate bar a year for his birthday!