There is a saying that friends come into your life for a reason and depart when they have fulfilled their destinies in the path of your journey in life. I believe that the story of HWANG JIN YI (aka Myeong Wol) has appeared for a purpose and reason in my life right now.
Books, songs, movies, stories cross our paths everyday. Thousands of confessional works abound from commonfolk/artists of all walks of life. How can one story/song/painting/poem out of the gazillion life experiences out there touch your heart and give you an insight on how better to carry on with your journey in this wretched existence on earth.
How many times have one been blinded by impressive titles and accolades bestowed by others, succumbed to materialistic comforts and suppressed by the need to live up to the expectations of others that one forgets what they initially set out to do or what they live for! It is never easy to live the life of a true artist when human nature is prone to fall prey to the constant temptation of these superficial facades.
The poignant soundtrack in this film, the heartbreaking and universal theme of love lost, love found and love unrequited, resplendent with costumes and breathtaking scenery - all make for a great escapade in this 24 episode tale about one of the greatest gisaeng - Hwang Jin Yi, in the Joseon period (1500's) of Korea's history. Such magical wizardry conjured from the alchemy of superb scriptwriting and great acting from leading actress Ha Ji Won, leaves me in awe and lost for words. Her story might have been tweaked for the masses in this serial & the movie version of this story, yet it remains a simple but believable tale of the thankless pursuit of art which will be deeply felt by anyone who has ever tried to walk down that same path.
For now, I shall languish momentarily in this bittersweet melodrama- about love found, love lost, love in all its benevolent and cruel forms in this wretched existence we call LIFE ! and the convenient scapegoat many call FATE which is the unenviable benefactor of blame for all misfortunes rained upon us. One is reminded by the heroine that we should not be trapped by outcomes beyond our control but react with wisdom to make the best of whatever obstacles we encounter along our paths.
I shall mourn for all the things ever lost, offer utmost gratitude to all the gifts and kindness received from the wonderful sounds of music,friends and strangers, cherish any ounce of passion I can muster up to guide me through the misleading fog that clouds my judgement and unnerve me from time to time. May sunshine beckon soon !
I leave you with this hauntingly beautiful compilation of tunes from the Hwang Jin Yi-OST that opened a Pandora's Box of feelings thought long forgotten. Experience the majestic track #1, sway in harmony to the uplifting strings of track #3 (Ggot Nal) with eyes closed. Embark on that half hearted project with newfound courage garnered from track #4 (Ugh Wen) ! Get lost in a pool of the darkest melancholy and unearth sad memories to instrumental tracks #10 of (Na Buen Sa Ram) & #12 . Tug at your heartstrings ever so gently with hopeful undertones reminiscent of the silver lining in that cloud in track #14. May this soundtrack be the first of many more beautiful korean OST's I will discover in time to come.
For album preview http://www.imeem.com/anavia/playlist/gc7jwQoj/hwang_jin_yi_ost_complete_music_playlist/
For lyrics - http://benbego.com/hwang-ji-ni-ost-soundtrack-lyrics-korean-drama/
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