Wednesday, March 24, 2010


It's in to be GREEN! Well, many a naysayer will probably tell me to MYOB (mind your own business) on any eco=friendly effort. For the record, I am no hardcore eco-enthusiast. Just your average plain jane, bludgeoned daily by the numerous "green efforts" campaigns and taglines from big brands cashing in on this new wave of eco-consumerism!

I recall in my high school days when recycling efforts were already in the pipeline, only to see more concrete plans more than a decade later materialise in the form of public campaigns and better designed recycling bins in the town areas. Let's face it! Modern day conveniences inevitably create more by-product waste from the use-and-throw amenities we all need daily. Using them is not a crime but the problem arises when they are not recycled properly in the garbage dumps (coz everyone just dumps everything together without seperating the trash properly) ! Let's touch on this touchy topic in another blog post for brevity's sake.

The BYOB ( bring you own bag) movement is not new and already a common practice in neighbouring asian countries like taiwan, seoul and japan. To drive the message home further, shoppers are charged a minimal amount for the plastic or paper bag along with every purchase. Though nothing you can't afford, every little cent adds up, unfortunately like the amount of plastic bags endlessly clogging up landfills and oceans, decimating precious marine animals and wildlife worldwide.

When I visited Seoul & Japan in 2008, I got into the habit of bringing foldable cloth bags that weigh next to nothing when i went shopping. One simple act like this actually saved myself from accumulating close to a dozen shopping bags for a full day's retail therapy. Not only that, it probably saved up enough pennies for a good ol' cup of kopi-o or teh-si to recharge after a gruelling shopping bonanza. Not too bad a bargain considering the tiny,tiny effort it takes to just throw in a foldable pocket-sized eco-bag into your handbag before you hit the stores.

Ever since, BYOB for me has become such a habit that I get extra peeved at myself whenever I fall short of my trusty reusable bag (eg. on days when i leave the house hands free without my usual carryall , eg. lunch break at work, grabbing a quick breakfast on the weekends, on my morning walks,etc.. ) Every umpteenth time I get to tell the supermarket/bookstore cashier smugly " I don't need a bag", it brings on a wave of triumphant euphoria followed by bemused looks from the cashier. I admit this cheap thrill is getting quite addictive and what a great way to put a spring in your step when you leave the stores "one plastic or paper bag lesser" ? Cashiers in Singapore are still all too ready to whip out a plastic bag and seconds to double them up for heavy items. High time to re-train that muscle reflex!

Durable and reusable bags are aplenty with savvy retailers dishing out reusable carriers for your precious purchases. Should you prefer non-logo emblazoned bags, take your pick from a wonderful selection going from as cheap as S$2 at DAISO outlets islandwide, to the chi-chi versions touted by brands like MOTTERU, ECOBAGS. The fashionably hip need not despair. Grab some one-of -kind versions from the likes of vegetable dyed earth toned stringy versions sold at WOODWOULD or quirky,designer assembled eco-friendly versions fashioned out of discarded sailcloths/newspapers/metal cans peddled on crafty sites like ETSY (check out Ella Vickers) .

Go on and reap the benefits that "BYOB" brings! The feel good factor that follows only serves to extend the the adrenalin rush that retail therapy brings! What's more? For the recessionistas out there, when your eco bag is looking overstuffed, it makes for a great wake up call to call it quits on the day's shopping spree! What a great reminder not to burst your budget, don't you think? Happy shopping everyone!

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