It was a trip on the bus one fine day that made me look at clouds as a reflection of the human psyche. Clouds are like us in many ways. We adapt to new situations/places/people like clouds do when the wind blows them in a different direction.
We possess an array of moods mirrored by the voluminous fluffy clouds, dark and heavy clouds that threaten to shower their fury upon the land, shape shifters that resemble everyday objects, etc...
Clouds are always full of surprises. When teased with a breeze they playfully hop along with glee. When agitated by a gale, they start to change their initial form and take on a different shape. When whipped into shape by lightning and roared into submission by thunder, they let forth lashings of tears and sorrows that only the melancholy amongst us can detect.
For now, i shall leave you to ruminate over your own thoughts with the clouds...
When was the last time you stopped and took a peek at the clouds overheard ?
Go on, try it and you'll be amazed at what you might see.
They are truly wonderful creations of nature, capable of shapes and sizes only
limited by the imagination of the mind.
The picture you see here was taken right in Singapore, on my way to work one sunny day.. the clouds feel as if they are break dancing and skidding in layers across the clear blue sky. More cloud watchings abound and i shall upload them in time to come when i get a better equipped camera that can capture the different nuances of these fickle minded clouds..
Cloudfully pondering...
Yours truly
An avid cloudhunter, cloudspotter, cloud fanatic...
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