The beauty industry of late has always tried to market its promises of beauty through rose tinted glass to fickle-minded customers and the latest trend seems to be associating functional products with with clever wit and thought provoking quotes with their brand, be it the product name itself or the slogans appearing on their websites or emblazoned somewhere across the packaging of a product, with particular reference to the "IT" brands of the moment - ORIGINS & AESOP .
ORIGINS labels it products with quirky names from its bath & skincare product line that suggest an idealised stress free lifestyle / afterthought, for example : - Fret me Not, Float Away,Gloomaway, Calm to your Senses, Shedonism, Peace of Mind,etc.... http://www.origins.com/about/index.tmpl
Likewise, AESOP adopts the famous quotes the likes of Mae West, Virginia Woolf,
One cannot think well, love well , sleep well if one has not dined well...
I share the exact sentiments and I believe all the foodies out there would agree too.
This trend of "picking at the consumer's mind with a twist of humour" is most evidently seen on slogan emblazoned tee shirts worldwide. It also brings to mind a similar concept emerging in local jewelry designs recently. This i shall touch on in my next entry title "Killerheels, anyone ?"
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