Take liberties with the language if you dare! Many of us develop a set of "quirky" dictionary in the course of our conversations with friends, and more friends.... Seemingly nonsensical terms find their way into the "unofficial dictionaries" of our vocabulary when they take on a perceived meaning making sense only to an individual based on their personal slangs developed over time. Here are some "quirky" new additions to my "dictionary" : -
SASHIMIFY (pron. sah-shee-mee-fai) - to beguile one unawares with nothing but the raw truth
"CHEEMIFY" (pron. chee-mee-fai) - to beat around the bush around something simple
"CHEEMITOLOGY" (pron. chee-mee-taw-le-gee)- the art of BS at its best when you are just full of "air", you airheads !
"MYEONGWOLISM" - teachings from famous korean gisaeng Hwang Jin Yi, one of the many modern heroine's who were brave enough to challenge the status quo and championed women's rights, winning many a sexist battle with brains rather than brawn.
This is all I have for now... a great many new words escape my mind for now. I shall come back and update when these random discoveries decide to rear their heads again...
Adding to this quirkdom of my personal vocabulary this 1 July 2009,
1) Kimchify - as in personify
2) ..... words escape me now but i shall be back with more quirky vocab.. until then..
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