The "print screen" button on the keyboard is my favourite button of all ! Just like my favourite saying "Necessity creates ability ...... in times of adversity ! The timely discovery of this humble but powerful key opened doors to a whole new world of possibilities given the luxury of time.
F1 may be the fastest
F4 may be the cutest ( in an Asian context )
F9 may be the most dreaded by students....
But! "PRT SCN" is the most formidable friend you can have if you need to whip up a design layout in a jiffy. It has served me well in strapped times like these. No $ to buy the latest ADOBE PHOTOSHOP program ? All you need is some clever manipulation of the tools in the PICTURE TOOLBOX like crop/cut/brighten/darken/resize/enlarge/reduce & there you have it. It can whip up a decent draft mock up of a product mailer, a promotional A4 size poster, a personalised greeting card, an in-house newsletter, step by step instruction manual for a new procedure you are trying to master,etc,etc... the list continues.... only limited by your imagination and purpose! So happy experimenting with this wonderful function key on your keyboard. It's time to give this often overlooked button its time of day...
Who came up with the idea of this "PRT SCRN" button on all our keyboards anyways ?
Based on this website, the inventor's name is Bowers Jr., Walter L. (from the US of A) http://www.freepatentsonline.com/EP0732648.html

Bottomline - I think its an ingenious & economical way to incorporate this "photographic" function to a pc without all that fuss over installing sophisticated external camera equipment?
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